Cuba Project Flyer Sample (April, 2012)

About the Film

Inspired by his grandpa's Holocaust rescue story, thirteen-year-old Mica is on a mission to pay back Cuba--with baseballs. Collecting gear from friends and thrift stores proves easy but then the U.S. Embargo throws him a curveball.

view trailer

PatchWorks Films

Marcia Jarmel and Ken Schneider have been making award-winning documentaries together since 1994. Their mission: to explore contemporary social issues through character stories, and to reach audiences through innovative partnerships with educators, NGOs, and community leaders. More.
Dear friends of Mica’s Cuba project and the Got Balz? film, 

We’re writing with very exciting news. We’ve just completed the first edit of Got Balz?. The end is in sight! Funny and poignant, the film is asking the tough questions about what it takes to do good in the world, just as we hoped it would. Educators are confirming that the film will be a valuable tool for engaging young people in deep conversations about social responsibility.

Now we’re turning to those who’ve provided ongoing insight, financial support, and encouragement to help us bring this coming-of-age story home.

Over the next 40 days, we’re trying to raise $40,000—to complete the film’s sound and picture work. You may have heard of Kickstarter—a crowd-funding platform that allows people to support creative projects by “backing” them with tax-deductible donations. Donors become part of the film’s support network, and receive perks—art, experiences, and memorabilia, in the process. There is no minimum donation and because it’s viral, the effect of a large group of people giving, even a little, creates miracles.

The stakes are high: if we don’t raise $40,000, we don't get anything (and your donation is refunded). That's the way this “crowdfunding” model works.

Will you take a look at our trailer and see if it's something you can support again?

Got Balz? on Kickstarter:

If you like what you see, we’d so appreciate you forwarding this e-mail to friends and colleagues that might be interested, too.

We hope you’ll want to help us get to home plate.

With gratitude,

Marcia and Ken
PatchWorks Films